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Category Archives: Disney Comic Course

That’s all, folks! The last two workshops with the people from the Egmont Creative Center were in September and November. It was sad in a way, cause the whole experience has been super fun and very intense and it is a shame that it is over. We have had these art monsters teaching us about the industry and comic art, it’s been mindblowing and I can see by looking at the drawings from before and after that I have grown and learnt and improved a great deal.

Now that I remember the long Christmas nights preparing portfolio pieces I am convinced that it was all 100% worth it.

I have nothing spectacular to show from the last two workshops as we mostly worked on polishing everything else we had already been through until the summer. We also did some inking and planned the visual narrative for the final assignment, from which you can see bits below.

Meditation Meditation 2

I wrote a gag about how Donald tries to do some yoga for self-improvement. Just go figure how that goes. On the left you can see the main idea for the cover. For some reason, drawing Donald with that huge guru turban is something I’ve been wanting to do.

Now that the final assignment is due a final evaluation is coming where they will tell us if the progression through the year has been good enough to get to the level they are looking for in new artists and if not, what is left to improveo to get there. I am excited about that meeting in either way.